Hey everyone!
Today I am here with a few suggestions to make your studying a bit easier. I know it can be very difficult to go for things that seem too big. Taking BIG tests like the SAT can seem intimidating. I also find that the access opportunity gap is a big factor in your results. However, we are not giving up right?
So here are some of the resources that I am using which might be of help.
Not a typical blog but if you're dreaming of studying abroad with a scholarship, I hope these will touch your life!
Here are the sources:
Khan academy: One of the most helpful and completely free websites out there: https://www.khanacademy.org/digital-sat
College Board: They have free practice tests: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat
Princeton Review: One free practice test: https://www.princetonreview.com/college/free-digitalsat-practice-test
Blue Book exams (visible once you download the app)
Youtube Channels (here are the ones I love most!):
Hayden Rhodea: https://www.youtube.com/@haydenrhodea761
LearnSATMath: https://www.youtube.com/@learnsatmath
Strategic Test Prep: https://www.youtube.com/@StrategicTestPrep
Don't be discourgaed if you don't have as many resources as the rest. We can do it!